Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Okonkwo :: essays research papers

Okonkwo My name is Okonkwo a clan leader in Umuofia. I had a tough childhood due to my father Unoka, which has driven me to succeed. Due to my hardwork in war i earned a high position in my clan, and I'm still able to support my three wives and their children. My character in this novel is superior, I get angry at times and I'm not afraid of violence, but yet i have unmanly emotions for Ikemefuna and Ezinma, and i will do anything to not end up like my father Unoka. Unoka and i don't get along with each other. Unoka is lazy and could care less about wut I want in life. I have been ashamed of my father since I was a little boy, because of what my clan thinks is cowardness. My emotions for Ikemufuna and Ezinma which are unmanly conflict with my manly emotions as a superior leader. My oldest son Nwoye i believe is very weak and lazy. I beat Nwoye on a daily basis hopin it will turn him into a man. Nwoye begins to develop into being more masculine influenced by Ikemefuna which pleases me. I believe Nwoye has the same weakness that my father Unoka possessed. My problem is that I am afraid of looking like my weak father Unoka. Due to his behavior it forces me to act like a fool and bring a whole lot of trouble upom myself and the rest of the poeple in my family. I was not able to change when I went to go live with the Umuofians and could not adapt to their living style. So i realized that i have become a bad person and not able change with society. I beleive I okonkwo will have to change due to the changing in society and the diverse cultures there are. Not everyone can go about the same rules and

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